Saturday, February 09, 2008

Moving Day

Jon is rocking Adelyn to sleep in her new room as we 'speak'. We spent the week playing in the room after Jon and I cleared out all of the other furinture and painted last weekend. (Side note...we have officially painted all of the rooms in our house now so Jon can make a sigh of relief and take a few years off from the paint brush.) This afternoon we moved all of her bedroom furniture, washed up the new pink sheets, and got most of it set up. I'll try and get some photos tomorrow. Of course the wall decor is not up as we stink at that--so painful to put holes in the walls. Maybe tomorrow will be an exception and we'll actually get it all done. I wouldn't mind getting the nursery furniture set up tomorrow too but won't hold my breath on that. In case you are wondering, the new paint colors are pink and green. I love how it turned out. The room is much larger then the nursery so it feels pretty spacious right now. I'm sure it won't take long for toys to take over and that feeling to pass.

Overall it was a really nice Saturday. Jon, Adelyn and Murph slept in until 9 so I had some time to drink coffee and read the new Karen Kingsbury book that just came out (so far so good by the way!) Adelyn and I headed off to swimming about the same time Jon hit the road for a hockey game in Hudson. We went straight from swimming to the zoo for a neighbor's 4th b-day party and met Jon back home around 3, at which time Adelyn napped for a few hours and Jon and I got to relax before the big furniture move. The birthday party was a blast. Adelyn loves watching the older girls and they don't seem to mind that she wants them to always hold her hand and take her along where ever they go. I loved watching her smile at them in adoration and giggle all day. Tomorrow promises to be another cold day so aside from church and hopefully a quick stop to look at a double stroller I'm assuming we will spend most of the day at home (working on projects of course). Try to keep warm--we are in the homestretch of winter, I hope.


Blogger Shainerz said...

I can't wait to see the new room makeovers (you should do your own tv show;)) Does Adelyn get a big girl bed, too? Or does that wait a few extra months?
Have fun movin'! Remember to take a few breaks here and there. :)
Love you

1:57 PM  
Blogger Stephanie Balvin said...

I don't know if you got a double stroller, but you can have ours if not. It's nothing fancy. I got it at a garage sale, but it works!

1:34 PM  

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