Tuesday, June 19, 2007

1 Yr Check up

Adelyn, you had a great check up. The Dr. was impressed that you were walking already and have a handful of words. You even appeased us and showed off your tricks for her. At one year, your vocabulary includes: mama, dada, up, uh oh, ouch, baby, bye bye (accompanied by a wave). Although not really vocab words, you also say nana, baba, papa, Ma for Murphy - you pat your leg when calling him, and mmmm, usually while pointing at something. You shake your head yes and no and wave us off when you don't want something. It is clear you understand what we are saying and try your best to communicate back.

We love the way you walk. Especially noticable when just in your diaper, you walk like a weight lifter. Your shoulders are back, belly out and waddle your way around. The bandaids on your arms after the 3 shots added humor to your strut, making you look like a little bully. You already love to talk on the phone and look like you know how to dial someone up. Actually, you did call your dad somehow one day. His phone started ringing and it was you on the other phone! Hopefully you can hold off a few more years before needed a phone of your own. We bought you your own Oral B toothbrush this weekend because you enjoy ours so much. You even like when its turned on. It is a great distraction when we need to dry you off after your bath and get you all lotioned up - things you are usually too busy to sit still for. You love to eat cheese and love to play outside.

Here are your stats from the check up. You are growing perfectly!
Height: 30" - 75th percentile
Weight: 21 lbs - 30th percentile

using your bandaid covered muscles to push your car

calling family to give the 1yr check up update

Dang you are cute!


Blogger Shainerz said...

Little Miss MODEL Adelyn! You are very very very cute. I'm glad your 1 YEAR (wow!) checkup went good. Now all you have to do is start saying your favorite 2nd cousin's name "Amber." You can call me "Amba" if you can't really pronounce it quite yet. :)
Cute pics for real. I have a feeling she will be needing a cell phone quite soon. :)

5:20 PM  

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