Monday, April 30, 2007


Yes, that is a Starbucks cup-enjoyed on the way to Chicago

Jon's aunt and uncle got a new puppy while we were there!

So, when is an acceptable age to let your child drink coffee? We really aren't planning to give some to Adelyn anytime soon, but whenever she sees a coffee mug she points at it and say's 'mmm!' It is so funny. We let her pretend drink from our empty Caribou or Starbucks cups and she seems to think its great. She now has a mini travel mug that matches one of mine so we can each have our own--too cute :)

A few weekends ago we drove to the Chicago area to visit Jon's aunt and uncle and meet up with his brother Nick and wife Rebecca. The car ride went very well (Thank the Lord!). It is the farthest we have driven with Adelyn. While we were there we got to play with a new puppy as well as Nick and Rebecca's dog Snickers. Also, Jon's family babysat Adelyn Saturday night so the four of us could go out to dinner. It was a blast--great food and great company! We wish we could see them more regularly!

Enjoying a great meal at Thippi Thai

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Adelyn's newest trick is walking on her own. It all began Easter weekend--she would take about 5 steps walking back and forth between Jon and me. It took a lot of praise and encouragment to get her not to drop down and crawl. Last week however she gained the confidence to let go and wander off (about 10 1/2 months!). She looks very cute, often with her arms up and hips wiggling to keep her balance. Her curiosity has also increased and we now spend our time chasing her around the house. Of course we are proud of her new talent though!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Road trip to the Dells

Giddy Up!

Some snuggle time in the pool

Riding the wild slides with Dad

The weekend before Easter we made a quick trip to the Dells. Adelyn was too cute in the pool to not post some photos. She seemed to really enjoy the water. When she was in her floaty she kicked her feet up and relaxed as if to say 'where's the sun'? And then when she was out just in one of our arms she was splashing and squealing. She cracked us up! Aside from the one pool evacuation due to a tornado in the area the trip was a blast!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

A quick apology for the slow posts. Life has been busy, but enough of the boring excuses. I have a ton to blog about so hopefully I will keep the new ones coming.

We had a fun Easter! Stacy, Nick, and Sis made the road trip to us for the weekend. Sis's brother, Brian and his two kids came over as well as my mom on Saturday for Easter dinner. We decided it would be easier to have the big meal Saturday and then eat a Sunday brunch after church so everyone wouldn't be too full and tired to drive home. As always we had a blast, but the days went by too quickly.

Of course Adelyn was spoiled once again. She got not one but two Easter baskets--one even personalized with her name. She got books, snacks, and a bee bop band set of musical instruments. She is lucky to have such an awesome family!

Carrying Auntie Stacy's purse after church--she was determined to drag it all the way to the car.

Beginning to find the goodies in her Easter baskets

Everyone got their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny

Passed out on Mom after a job well done