Friday, September 29, 2006

Twins Win!

Am I supposed to be watching the game???

Last night we watched the Twins beat the Royals (again) with a dramatic 9th inning come back! The Twins had been down the entire game and we had already gathered our belongings to make a mad dash out. There were two outs AND two strikes when Joe Mauer (a.k.a. the home town hero) hit a HOME RUN to tie the game! We ended up staying for the 10th inning victory. We were a little nervous that Adelyn had lost her touch but she just wanted to keep us on the edge of our seats. The streak is still alive :)

Adelyn got to bring along her friend Natalie (and her parents). They met in our first baby class and now go to ECFE class together as well as chat while their moms 'stride and stroll' at the mall on Tuesdays. They live within 5 minutes of us so we are able to get together regularly for play dates. It was fun to hang out with the dads as well this time around!

We saw two people that we knew at Target tonight, which may not sound like much but its a big deal to us--hehe! We feel that one thing we really miss from our home towns is running into people you know while out and about so we get quite jazzed when it actually happens. With Jon coaching and Adelyn joining all those classes we have been increasing the number of people we know in the area so that feels nice :)

Well Happy Friday! I would just like to give a quick mention that Adelyn napped in her crib for 45 minutes today--yay! Usually she gets too excited from looking at the bumper and such as you have seen in a prior post. Anyway, have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

And the winner is...


Thank you everyone for your votes. Much appreciated insight.

Adelyn Rolls!

Monday night Adelyn rolled over for the first time!

Adelyn must have felt like a big girl after our road trip to SD because when we got home Sunday night all she wanted to do was lay on the floor and attempt to roll over. It was so cute to watch. She could get all the way up on her side and hold herself there but couldn't quite make it over. Monday night she was at it again with success this time. She has tried it a few more times since then so I think she's got the hang of it :) She goes from back to belly but not back quite yet.

We had a great weekend visiting Stacy and Nick in Sioux Falls. It is such a pretty city. They took us to the 'Sioux falls' and gave us a tour of the town. Cold Stone is fairly new there so us ladies stood in a line 25 people long for ice cream while the guys and Adelyn watched the exciting Notre Dame game Saturday night. We had a good time hanging out and catching up! (unfortunately I was delinquent in taking photos so I will have to get some from Aunt Stacy)

Jon went to the Dr. yesterday because he had a sore throat and runny nose despite the EmergenC and vitamins Stacy was pumping full of the weekend. It turns out it is only viral but we are working hard at getting him healthy and keeping it from spreading to Adelyn and me. Another sign of winter on its way!

Thanks for your votes on Adelyn's nickname. Jon and I will discuss tonight and I will let you know the results tomorrow!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Votes Please

chillin' at Aunt Stacy's in SD

We are trying to reach an agreement as to how we should spell Adelyn's nickname. Don't feel like you have to call her by it as I still prefer the whole name, but we want to be prepared for those who do choose the nickname. Options include but are not limited to:
We are favoring one but would love some input!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Nap Time

Chatting instead of napping

Yes, that is clean laundry

Happy Friday! I can't wait to get on the road to SD. Besides getting to spend the weekend with fun folks, it will be my & Adelyn's first time to SD-yay! The dreaded Murphy drop off time is in 1/2 hour. Every time I look at him I get a gut ache. The good news is Jon should be home early to 'help' me drop him off. He will be a good shoulder to cry on :)

As you can see, Adelyn is too excited for the weekend to sleep. After napping about 5 mins I could hear her in her room chatting away. Murphy on the other hand is having no trouble sleeping away the raining day. He can spot a clean basket of laundry anywhere.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Play Nice Kids

Adelyn enjoying life as an only child

Wait a minute--who's that?


Murphy says "Who me?"

I can't believe it has taken me this long to post a photo with little Murph included! What a bad mother I am. Murphy was on my mind today because he had a vet check up. You will be happy to know all is well. And to those of you who think he's porky, the Dr. said he's purrfect--weighing in at 21 lbs :) Shiny coat, health lungs, and as it turns out he is just 'big boned'-hehe.

The reason for the vet visit was to get him up to date on his shots so he can spend the weekend at a kennel (sniff sniff). When I pulled out his medical records noting shots due in 2005 I was pretty sure the vet was going to let me have it. Sure enough they scowled at me but luckily I had Adelyn with to distract them from all out lecturing. $170 later he is current on shots and will no longer be at risk for heartworm, fleas and the such. I don't know how people do it with more then one kid plus pets as I am truely drained from the trip to vet with just these two rascals! And they were both on their best behavior.

The only thing that will get me through dropping my little pooch off at the kennel tomorrow is the exciting road trip we have planned to Sioux Falls to visit Stacy and Nick--yay! We are very much looking forward to a weekend with them and their new home! See you guys tomorrow night.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Break out the Fleece

Fun in the sun with Grandma Bradley
Adelyn's first waterpark adventure

Burr! It seems it may be time to pack up the swimsuit and sundresses. We froze our buns off tonight watching a high school soccer game (45 degrees only!). One more sport for Adelyn to add to her passport. I'm not sure if I could say she was the good luck charm this time or not. Lakeville lost but we were actually there to watch Tim, who worked for Jon this summer and he played for Eagan (aka the winning team). So she brought good luck to him anyway :)

Adelyn was all smiles at the game while distracting the devoted parents. I had to take her in for a tour of the high school after the first 1/2 though because it was just too chilly. We left Dad outside to cheer while we explored the new school. It is quite nice I must say! Adelyn was most interested in the Fine Arts wing so she may just be very well rounded.

I am sad to see the hot sunny days go but there is always something fun with each season. Jon has already been getting busy with hockey and it won't be long before we are bundled up watching the games and chatting with friends!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday School Blessing

Dad's way of carrying up the laundry-heavy load!

At the Lakeville Arts Festival

I would like to think the Lord blessed us today for getting our bums out of bed and going to Sunday School. It has started back up now with the coming of fall and back to school, only our class got switched from the 11 am timeslot to 8:25--ouch! Even Adelyn doesn't get up that early. But we did make it to class and miss Adelyn was an angel all day. Not only did she fall asleep in her carseat during Sunday School but she continued to sleep in it throughout the entire service. She woke up just in time for the 1 hour car ride we were about to embark on and considering her recent dislike for the car I was not excited for what was to come. We were off to visit our friends the Balvins, who just had their third little baby, bless their hearts :) The game plan was to make it as far as we could and pull over when neccessary. Well, believe it or not she fell asleep again and made it all the way there. Praise the Lord!

We had a great time visiting with the Balvins. All three of their children are so cute! Overall it was a nice weekend. As you can see we made it to the arts festival. No purchases but it was a nice way to spend the afternoon. Unfortunately it is Sunday night and the end of another weekend--boohoo.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sleep is Good

Passed out from fun at the Como Park Zoo

Thank you for the kind comments on my last post. I was bracing myself for the 'suck it up and stick it out' kind of response but was pleasantly suprised with your support. I feel pressure to have Adelyn in bed at an earlier time, so not to be a delinquent mother, but honestly and selfishly I like her later bed time. Not only does Jon get to spend more time with her after work, but her night time feeding isn't until after 5 am. By then it almost feels like morning (I guess it technically is). I still aspire to have her in bed by 9 at some point but won't feel so guilty about the 10:30 time for now--at which point she falls asleep on her own.

Brandi and Jeff met us at the battle of Lakeville south vs north football game last night (south won--yay! I guess Adelyn is good luck for them too) They came over afterwards and I was so proud of Adelyn for falling asleep on her own (at 10:30) with no 'bed time routine'. I have decided to be thankful that she sleeps as well as she does and will gradually move up her bed time. She slept with us for the first 6 weeks of her life and still does on occasion after her am feeding and to be honest I would not do it any other way. There is little more special then having your child sleeping peacefully near you. Thanks again for the encouragement!

I am so happy it is sunny this Saturday afternoon. I am hoping we can go to the Lakeville arts festival (similar to mines and pines I believe) & maybe tour a few parade of homes. That's only fair since we spent last weekend watching football-right? :)

PS-Brandi and Jeff are expecting a little babe of their own in March--YAY!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I lost

Adelyn celebrating Aunt Stacy's alma matter (Iowa State)

It has been my goal to get Adelyn to bed at a 'normal' time now that she is the big 3 months old. It is my hope to have her peacefully resting in her basinet by 9. Well it has proven to be trickier then expected but I feel like we are making progress. I very much enjoy the bed time routine but we have yet to be successful with the 9 pm part. Tonight was the golden night--I was rocking a sleepy baby at 8:30 with a few stories to read. 8:50 she was out with a full belly that would hopefully take her to at least 2 am. But of course she woke up 5 mins after getting in the basinet as I was unloading the dishwasher. So, I decided I would just wait it out.

We started ECFE class today and several of the moms were speaking so highly of the 'let them cry themselves to sleep' routine. They argued putting the baby to bed awake emphasising the importance of babies being able to soothe themselves to sleep. Although I can appreciate the need to sooth themselves back to sleep I have been opposed to the cry it out theory. But I figured why not give it a try. I am impressed that I lasted a whole 25 minutes (with a few stops in the bedroom to sing a lullaby but not take her out) but eventually I was too weak to endure!

What is the harm in snuggling your baby to sleep? How can I resist that happy little smile? Ohh well. It was worth a try. I'm sure pro-baby wise people would say I need to stick it out but I don't have it in me. It makes both of us happy to snuggle her back to sleep and then I can just 'relax' while I clean up the kitchen instead of look at the clock every 30 seconds to see if I can go up to her room yet. I sure love that little peanut!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Twins 'Good Luck Charm'

passed out after Tue night's Twins game

Twins beat the Royals in Kansas City
(snuggling with Aunt Mona)

Two for two. Adelyn helped the Twins come from behind for a big win last night vs Oakland. The same was true in early August when the Twins hit two home runs in the 9th inning vs the Royals. She was wide eyed the entire game choosing only to fall asleep on the way home rather then take part in the post game recap from Dad. She seems to love baseball as much as football, so what will life be like once hockey season begins?! We'd better get on the list for Wild season tickets right away.

Football season begins

Lakeville South vs Chaska high school

yeah tackle him!

We had a fun filled football weekend. Friday night we ventured out to the high school game and watched Lakeville South beat Chaska (sorry Beth). Adelyn was a good sport considering it was only 50 degrees out and she really does prefer it HOT. She watched some, napped some and chatted with some hockey friends after the game. She knows the routine already! High school games sure are a ton of fun.

Saturday afternoon we spent a little time at a youth football game before venturing out to the mall to balance out the weekend. We couldn't miss Macy's official debut. Plus Adelyn managed to pick out a few bargain outfits as usual so it was a successful trip.

Saturday evening when I took Murphy for a walk Dad and Adelyn snuck in some more football time in front of the tv. We really don't plop her in front of the tv as bad as this photo looks :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Labor Day weekend

At Cantebury Park (horse races)

On the way to the zoo!

Adelyn's favorite animals at the zoo

We had a nice long weekend together! Cousin Amber came to visit which was a treat. Being the good parents that we are, Friday night we kept Adelyn out late gambling at the horse track. Unfortunatly she brought good luck to everyone but her parents (especially Amber). Our friends Heather and Dan were able to meet us there so it was fun to catch up!

Monday was the only sunny day so we filled it with a trip to Como zoo and mini golf. The zoo was a hit although miss Adelyn slept the majority of the time. Fortunatley she was too young to beg for any souveniers from the gift shop. Yes, Jon beat everyone at mini golf! But we all had a great time, especially Grandma Bonnie who would have had to go swimming for her ball if they hadn't been kind enough to give her a new one.

It was a nice treat to have a long weekend together. I hate to be the one to say it but the next one won't be until Thanksgiving. But hey, it is September right!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Happy 3 Months!

Today was Adelyn's 3 month birthday! Dad thought it was time to let her get behind the wheel. So we took her out for her first driving lesson. Lesson 1: Keep your eyes on the road. WOAH! Watch out for that moose, Adelyn!!! Lesson 2: Always wear a seatbelt (or rear facing car seat). Lesson 3: No boys in the car except Dad.