Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Welcome Baby Taelyn!

Adelyn congratulating Brandi on a job well done

Congratulations to Brandi and Jeff on the birth of their daughter Taelyn! She was born last Monday, March 19, weight in at 7 lbs even and 20". She has a head full of thick dark hair, which Brandi had as well as a newborn. Brandi said the first week has gone by quickly and they are having a good time. What a CUTIE!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bradley Grandparents Visit

I guess my last post is quite outdated with pictures snow since it was 81 degrees out yesterday. Sorry for the delay in new posts. It has been a whirlwind type of week. Jon's parents were visiting last week. We had a blast with them, but the time seemed to go by too quickly. A lot was packed into the 3 days. We ate some tasty dinners out, visited Brandi, Jeff and baby Taelyn in the hospital (more to come on that!) and toured the flower show at the downtown Macys. Not enough time to post much tonight so stay tuned for updates!

First sword fight with Grandpa

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring is one week away!

I had to get some photos on here of all the snow we got the first weekend of March. The snow banks were taller then me. I love how beautiful it was outside the days it was snowing. But you would never believe this is how our yard looked until yesterday. Two short weeks after the big snow storm, we had a record setting warm day that topped out at 66 degrees. All the snow is melted!

With winter quickly coming to an end and spring on its way, that also means the end of the hockey season. Adelyn and I watched Jon play in his last mens league game of the year. I am proud to be married to the league's 4th year reigning Best Defenseman! Not that it was any surprise to me. I see all his savvy moves on the ice.

Jon's peewee team is having a great year! They made it to the state tournament. They beat out a lot of great teams and we are looking forward to seeing what they will do this weekend. What a great way to end your coaching career right Jon! (I have been teasing him about taking a break but he is too crucial to the peewee team. I even overheard the head coach saying it was so important to have him back next year they would even pay him...unfortunately he was kidding I think).

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence

You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.

You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
Here is a fun quiz I got from my friend Steph's blog. I don't know if I would consider myself a leader but the rest seems pretty true. Let me know what your results are!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Many Faces of Adelyn

Jon's mom was recently commenting on the many faces Adelyn makes. She cracks us up with the variety she has to express her thoughts. Here are a few captured at dinner. What a goof ball!

"Mmmm. Bring that food over here."

"I'm so funny I make myself laugh!"

"What do you mean we are out of food?"

A VERY BIG thank you to Jon for watching Adelyn today while Kara, my friend since the 4th grade, and I went Parade of Home-ing. Jon and JR, Kara's husband watched the three kids while we stolled casually through the homes, getting in and out of the car so easily with no children along. It was a wonderful treat and I am very thankful. Kara and I don't get to spend enough time together anymore (she lives in Hibbing) and so it was even that much better to just be able to chat for a few hours. No trips to the ER so the guys must have had a good time too!


Although there was question if it would ever happen, because she prefers to hold you hands and walk, Adelyn has decided there is a need to crawl after all. She has been able to drag herself across the floor if she really needed something, but now she is voluntarily getting up on all fours and moving across the room. Her method is pretty cute. She does the traditional one foot, then the next, but then she tries to plant both feet and sticks her butt up in the air. Then back to the one foot, next foot. She is probably trying to stand up but hasn't mastered that yet (without the assistance of something to pull up on). I am thankful she waited so long to become mobile but now that she is, that is fun too! Time to put up the gait.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mom's Night Out

Last night our church had a 'Mom's Night Out'. I wasn't committed to going being that Mondays can often be long without anything extra going on. However, when the organizer called this weekend and said it was a spa theme complete with manicures, pedicures and a massage stations of course I signed up! I am so happy that I went, even though prior to getting there I wondered why I had made the commitment. (Jon and Adelyn had a nice night at home together partying as well.)

Our children's pastor shared some inspirational thoughts from her personal experience--raising 5 kids! while we snacked on some goodies. She emphasized the importance of taking care of yourself--mentally, physically and spiritually. Ignore yourself and you will burn out! We had time to move around to the different stations and visit with other moms. It was so nice just to be pampered and get to know others in the church better. I am thankful they took the time to organize this event as it is too easy to neglect papering yourself a little. On that note, everyone go take a candlelight bubble bath but don't fall asleep in the tub!

Celebrating after Bethel beat St Thomas on Sat. night--Adelyn and Andrew are 3 months apart

Sunday, March 04, 2007

9 Months!

Adelyn's new trick--walking with assistance!

Today Adelyn officially turned 9 months old. It seems crazy! We were sorting through her clothes, putting away those that no longer fit and washing up those that do. As the basket shows in the photo, there are several that she has outgrown (sniff, sniff!) It is hard to imagine she ever fit in them and even was too small for them at some point.

Her 9 month check up went great. Now her next one isn't until she turns ONE. I truely can not believe it. She continues to keep us entertained with all of her new tricks. The official stats are:
Weight~ 16lbs 7oz (10th percentile)
Height~ 27 inches (30th percentile)

Happy Monday, almost.