Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Aunt Jemima

No, she is not the new face of a popular syrup. Although in my (humble) opinion they could boost sales with such a cute, happy model! Jon was being creative when taking off Adelyn's layers and she loved it. It has been a good week but I am very happy the work portion is over. Adelyn started at a new 'daycare' yesterday. The mom of one of the peewee players on Jon's team is watching her on Tuesdays now. It sounds like they had a great day. She has 3 older children who doted on her all afternoon once school was out. Of course Adelyn loves the attention and I am happy she is having a fun time.

I just pulled some muscle in my thigh flipping a light switch on with my foot. Adelyn is sleeping on the boppy, which reqires two hands to hold. Obviously I am in rough shape without my Tue. Stretch and Stroll class that I miss very much--sniff, sniff.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sweet Ride

2003 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport

Adelyn showing off her new love for sticking out her tongue.

Its true! We are the proud owners of a mini van. As of Friday it is officially ours. It was a company vehicle that Jon's boss sold to us for an offer we couldn't refuse. And I must say although it may not be 'cool' it is pretty sweet! We were able to fit everyone in one vehicle when my sister, Nick and Sis were visiting last weekend, which was awesome. The only sad news is now we will have to get rid of Jon's trusty Mazda--his baby for 10 years! (He is reminiscing right now of when he bought it Memorial Day weekend 1997) Fortunately it is staying in the family so he can visit whenever necessary. My aunt and uncle in Hibbing will be rolling in the Mazda before long! Lucky ducks.

Friday, February 23, 2007

What a Gem

Adelyn telling stories from one of her new favorite spots...don't gasp in horror--there is an adult nearby not shown in the photo :)

Like her mother, she laughs at her own jokes!

Despite fighting off her first big sickness, Adelyn still took the time to keep us entertained this week. She had a bacterial infection with a fever so spent a lot of time snuggling with mom and dad. She is back to full strength and busier then ever. She seems to have grown up a lot over the past few weeks. Jon has taught her how to clap and wave, which are two of her most favorite things to do now. She is also not as content to sit an play with her toys as she would rather be holding your hands and walking around the house chasing Murphy (which he loves of course). She is also exploring sticking her tounge out at us in a very adorable way. Still no crawling even though she can get on to her hands and knees. If desperate she can pull herself on her tummy but would prefer someone grab her hands and help her up. Lets see, new foods have been yogurt, prunes, and broccoli; all of which have gotten a favorable response. Her 'turtle' smiles and contagious laughs have warmed our hearts all week!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Heart Day!

Adelyn modeling her new sweetheart shirt from dad

Who knew balloons are such fun entertainment?

We hope you are enjoying your day set aside to celebrate love :) Adelyn has kept us entertained all evening shaking and batting at her balloons. Jon taught her how to clap this weekend and she has been very proud of her new skill, showing it off often! Jon picked up a romantic dinner for us to enjoy (stuffed tenderloin and stuffed peppers--now we are stuffed, haha!) Time to tuck Miss Adelyn in to bed for the night (if only). Happy Valentines Day! We love you!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Date Night Returns

Adelyn's 1st outing--1 wk old

In life B.A. (before Adelyn) it was common for Jon to pick me up from work and we would head to Costco. It was playfully named 'date night' by my co-workers. Well, this week, for the first time in 8 months, Jon & Adelyn picked me up and we went shopping (and enjoyed a slice of pizza and polish of course!) Adelyn looked so cute sitting in the front of such a huge cart. We took her on her very first outing to Costco when she was just one week old. Its crazy to look at how small she is in her car seat and how big her socks are! She is wearing a shirt for a dress because she was too tiny for the pants. They are all too small for her now.

She had some friends over from ECFE class this morning. She proudly showed off her new skill of being able to pull herself up to standing at her music table. She squealed a cry of both excitment and fear this first time she did it, earlier this week :) No crawling yet, Praise the Lord! Happy Friday!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Tofu gets two thumbs up

We are still having fun testing new foods on Adelyn. It seems as though we will never get to all of the foods we want to try. We have been playing by the rules and waiting 3-4 days before introducing a new food (it allows you to easily see what is causing an allergic reaction should one occur). But our list just keeps GROWING! This weekend we tried tofu. And by we I mean Adelyn--haha! It will be a while before I am brave enough to test that one out. Either way, it was a hit. I would say her reaction was almost as strong as the avacado, which we still think of as her favorite. That makes me happy because once again it is very easy to prepare (no cooking neccesary!) and is high in protein. We haven't started any meats yet so it is good she is gobbling up the soybeans (what tofu actually is...).

Things on the upcoming intro list include but are not limited to: egg yolks (hard boiled), kiwi, plums, mangos, papaya, yogurt, and cheese. Fun times ahead that's for sure :)

If you're keeping track, things she has tried so far: avacado (obviously), sweet potato, carrots, green beans (only poor response so far), peas, butternut, spagetti, and buttercup squash, bananas, and fruit puffs (like cereal but dissolves quickly) to which I must add she is getting pretty good at feeding herself!

She loves dancing to the music her Glow Worm plays!