Wednesday, May 21, 2008

2 Month and 2 Year Checks

Alyse has started to smile--what a great milestone!

1st corn on the cob--definitely a hit

The serious, observant side of Alyse

A close up of that beautiful smile

The idea was to play with the cups in the water but I guess since its is technically a tub she though it was best to take a bath

Adelyn loves her little sister...we often hear "I wanna hold her"

I must confess that I am on the verge of quitting the blogging business. Days pass that I do not sit down at the computer so obviously I am finding it hard to keep up with the blog. Don't feel too bad for me though because most of the time we are too busy outside to sit in near the computer :) Here is a recap of what I've missed.

I love the sunshine and the new adventures is allows us to tackle. We have been exploring the local parks pretty regularly. Adelyn is brave and does not mind, or rather prefers, to go down the big slides alone. I helped her out one time and the next time, after following her up the stairs she turned around and said to me "Watch, I do it." Well, OK. So Alyse hangs out in the sling, her favorite place and we follow Adelyn around as she explores. She has become incredible verbal. She often surprises me with what she has to say and what she can remember. The bedtime routine has increased to almost an hour because that's how long it takes for her brain to download. It is pretty amusing to hear the things she is processing before drifting off to sleep. She is all over the board in what she wants to talk about and she often speaks in her high pitched, excited tone. Last night it was recapping the afternoon we spent playing at the neighbors...scooter, chalk, Kylee, share. Then on to Chloe and the time she napped in Adelyn's crib. Then about Murphy and how we saw a school bus letting kids off when we took him on a walk. She is just too much fun to listen to! She definitely keeps the days interesting.

Alyse is a sweet as ever. She has the biggest grin that she shows off pretty regularly now. Coos and chatting are a part of her skills now and we love carrying on a conversation with her. Adelyn has even been known to pull out Alyse's pacifier and say 'talk to me'. Hmmm, wonder where she's heard that before? Trying to explain how Alyse is still young enough to use her pacifier at more then bedtime has proven to be tricky. Alyse still has a strong preference for the sling, much to my back's dismay. I tried to get her in the bjorn again but she cried the entire time. The second I switched to the sling she was asleep. I guess she knows what she likes! Like a champ she moved to her crib in her own room about a week ago at just over 2 months old. Jon and I were nervous about it but for no good reason. As we were swaddling her in the crib for the 1st time and explaining to her how she was going to try something new she drifted off to sleep. Jon and I were quite puzzled and weren't sure what to do we turn the light off? Suddenly we are whispering and tiptoeing around the room. Sure enough she slept just fine and doesn't mind a bit being in her crib. Two thumbs up to that! Alyse has been a good sport and seems to enjoy her silly sister. We love this little girl so much!

Both girls had their check ups within the past couple weeks. I am still slightly disturbed by Adelyn's check up but of course Alyse's was just fine. I used to always look forward to the check ups...get the measurements, find out they are growing etc. Well now that Adelyn is 2 she decided a check up at the doctor was not a place to be enjoyed. She didn't want to stand on the scale, said "I want to go out" while pointing at the door the entire time I talked to the doc and darn near pulled the shot out of her arm. Good thing she only needed one and even better that she doesn't go back for a YEAR. Whew. At least we still have several to look forward to with Alyse before she figures out its not as much fun as we think.
Almost forgot the stats...very proportionate...big girls :)
2 Month for Alyse
weight 11.5 lbs = 85 percentile
height 23 inches = 89 percentile

2 Year for Adelyn
weight 30.5 lbs = 91st percentile
height 35.5 inches = 91st percentile

Friday, May 02, 2008

Quick Update

I am supposed to be 'spring cleaning' so I'll make this short but wanted to get some new photos up. A few weekends ago Stacy persuaded us into making a trip up to Hibbing to show off Alyse and meet the girls' new cousin Damian. This past Monday-Wednesday my mom and I took Alyse and Adelyn to visit Stacy and Nick in Sioux Falls while Jon enjoyed some peaceful evenings and got caught up at work. We went to the Butterfly House where a butterfly sat on Alyse's head for a photo. We had a blast visiting them!

Making sure Alyse doesn't fall off the bed in Hibtown
(by putting her in a head lock)

The closest we can get to have the girls play together, which Adelyn is very anxious for

Off to find something to get in to...probably candy

Kissed by a butterfly (look on her head)