Friday, August 01, 2008

"This" is where its at

Adelyn getting Alyse to laugh out loud for the 1st time

Bethel friends came over for a BBQ--the group has really grown!

What a little cutie...already playing with big sis

Lots of days spent at the zoo with friends and splashing in the water

Alyse before we turned on the air...can you see her frizz?

We are still alive...the computer has been down for a while now but it looks like my awesome husband has gotten us back on the world wide web again...Thank you honey!!! I know it goes without saying but summer is just so wonderful. These past few weeks I can't stop gazing at my girls and feeling like "yeah, this is definitely where its at." They bring us such joy. I love watching them interact and it doesn't get much better than the sweet hugs and smiles from them. What a blessing kids are (I wasn't saying such sweet things at nap time yesterday but we'll forget those few hours...)

We have been having a ton of fun this summer. Lots of swimming, trips to the zoo, parks, time with friends. Please let it never end! Off to the church carnival tonight. I just found out Adelyn can participate (thought it was 5 and up). She is going to be so excited to do the moon bouncer and other games. Can't wait! I hope the sunshine has been good to you as well!