6 Month Check Up
Clearly I don't need to explain that you are a smiley, sweet natured girl! You keep us entertained that's for sure...and you are becoming quite social. You have found your voice and are not afraid to give a scream if no one is paying attention to you. You love to solicit smiles from others by giving your cute little grin. I took you to a meeting at church last night and despite that you had just gotten 4 shots earlier in the day, you were standing on my lap, looking over my shoulder and smiling at several of the ladies behind us. Of course they couldn't take their eyes off you and you loved every second! The doctor even commented on what a social butterfly you are. You had a lot of stories to tell her at the check up.
And you have been eating food like a pro! Your 1st food was bananas, which you eagerly gobbled up. We have added avocado and sweet potato to the mix as well. When the bowl is gone you keep mmmming for more. It is very cute!
You are close to sitting up. Its not a problem if you've got some pillows around you but otherwise you topple forward after a few seconds. You have been rolling from your back to your stomach for over a month now and can even push yourself backwards, but no forward crawling yet. You love playing with your big sister and save your best smiles for her! You even play Barbies already with us. You hold one and eat her face/hair, your sister takes all their clothes off, and I have fun putting new outfits on them. I know we will all have so much fun together as you continue to grow! We love you!
Weight 16 lbs 3 ozs ~ 67th percentile
Height 28 inches ~ 99th percentile
Head 17.5 inches ~ 95th percentile