Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lets Go Fly a Kite

A few weeks ago Adelyn saw a neighbor flying a kite and thought it was pretty cool. That reminded me she got a kite from Auntie Stacy and Uncle Nick for her b-day (in June!) so I told her when Dad got home we would try to fly the kite. Her response was, of course, 'lets do it right now'. I explained that I wasn't sure I knew how to fly a kite and we should have dad help us, to which she replied "I'll show you how to do it!" (we waited for dad!)

She loved running back and forth through the yards and at first was mad once they got it all the way up in the air, but then she thought it was pretty neat. Although since then she hasn't wanted it to go 'way up high in the sky', just back and forth.

Typical Adelyn fashion ~ "I'll do it by myself"

Typical Alyse, enjoying the action

Close up of her enjoyment

Sweet success!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Go Wild!

We got to take the girls to their 1st Wild game of the hockey season last night (Alyse's 1st game ever). We went in to it with low expectations of what their attention span would be so were very pleasantly surprised to still be there for the Wild victory in overtime--whohoo! Adelyn did a great job of sitting and watching, with the aide of a little popcorn and Alyse seemed to enjoy the action too. She did fall asleep in the 3rd period though and slept through the final goal...which I don't know how! It was a blast having the 4 of us there together. Thanks for getting the tickets honey!