Camping Fun

This past weekend we took Adelyn on her first camping trip. Stacy and Nick met us just outside Mankato at Minneopa State Park (my mom rode along with us). Adelyn loved playing in the dirt at our campsite, sometimes with the shovel and pail, sometimes not, and running around outside all day. She even brought her lawnmower - to keep the site groomed of course. Its a pretty area with a lot of walking trails that we took advantage of. On one of the hikes Adelyn passed out mid walk, while in her stroller, which is pretty abnormal for her. One minute she was waving and chatting, the next her head was bobbing over the side of the stroller. It definitly shocked us. She slept well at night thanks to all the activity during the day. The birds and sunrise woke us all up but we were able to go back to sleep for a few hours. The campfire chats were fun and the food tasty! It had been a while since we have taken a family camping trip. We had a blast and will have to do it more often!
I'll load the photos tonight...