Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Weekend in Alaskan Wonderland

We always have back yard envy while there!

Good thing we were there to supervise

Adelyn playing with "big sis" Kali

Slumber party in Salt Lake City-yay king size bed

We made it to Alaska! It was a wonderful trip. The weather even cooperated and snowed most of the time we were there. Its sad to be back already but we were glad to visit for the long weekend. We ended up missing the connection to AK Friday night and spent the night in Salt Lake City. Of course we would have rather been in AK but we had a fun time at the hotel and shopping Saturday before the next flight.

Adelyn was an angel on the flights. Jon and I could hear the people in front of us not so whisper "this is going to be long flight" once we sat down. But upon arrival at our destination everyone complimented Adelyn on how great of a traveler she had been. She spent the majority of time sleeping but when she wasn't doing that she was smiling through the seat at those behind us. What a little ham!

We stayed with Ryan and Sara, whose son Carter is smooching Adelyn in the photo above. They had a good time entertaining each other. It was cute to see them in the car right next to each other. I think they enjoyed having someone else to chat with. Carter was kind and even shared his toys with her. We met up with Nikki and Kody several times throughout the weekend as well (at Jitters of course and the 5th Ave mall--my two favorites). Nikki had teased Kali, their daughter, about having a little sister, which Kali was not interested in. But she really enjoyed playing with Adelyn and showing her lots of love.

We are sorry the trip is over already and look forward to seeing our AK friends again!

Friday, October 27, 2006


These cuties are only one day apart

Aunt Stacy has been visiting the past few days! Stacy B. and her daughter Brielle came over on Wednesday for a play date (Stacy B. grew up in Hibbing just blocks from us). The girls were so cute together. They were even voluntarily holding hands--how sweet! We had a good time chatting and going to the local grille Babes for dinner. Aunt Stacy came with to ECFE class yesterday. It was fun to have her there and play with Adelyn. We had a good day closing down the mall and then spent the evening relaxing at home and packing!

We are off to Alaska today! As long as the flights continue to be open we will be on our way to visit friends! I am nervous as heck hoping Adelyn will enjoy the ride. We've got some fun toys packed so hopefully that will do the trick. I am very much looking forward to the time once we get up there though! Have a great weekend. We'll take lots of pictures in AK!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

First Halloween Party

Halloween party with original Mom and Me class

All but one of the original crew were able to make it to the party tonight! Adelyn's first nine friends from when we started Mom and Me class at just a mere 5 weeks old. Its hard to believe those little babes are now pushing 5 months! Many can roll, two can sit, all are little angels :) What a good excuse to buy a cute little outfit, right. Party!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mmmm, More things to eat!

Adelyn's new hobby seems to be trying to eat her feet. Anytime she is laying down she starts to pull her leg up and get that foot in her mouth. Sometimes she gets the big toe, sometimes not. She must be due for a bath because last night she was making a face that said 'Eww, this kind of tastes bad' each time the toes went in.

Her friend Natalie came over with mom Kate yesterday for a play date so that was nice! They are about 3 weeks apart so it is funny to watch them. Yesterday was the longest that they both actually 'played' at the same time. Of course most of the time they don't even notice each other except to chew on the others foot or something to that effect. Pretty funny!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

4-3 Victory!

Adelyn's first time watching dad play hockey

It was fun watching Adelyn enjoy her first live hockey game last night. It honestly seemed like she was paying attention to what was going on. I'm sure it had more to do with the bright white ice and those fancy yellow jerseys moving around SO quickly but either way. There were plenty of other girls there for her to chat with but she chose to watch the game. She was pretty subdued the majority of the time but started sqeeling and laughing within minutes of the end. Coincidentally, it was right around the same time her dad scored the GAME WINNING GOAL! I am pretty sure she was celebrating for him and telling us how proud she was :) Way to go Jon!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Let the games begin

"Pew! Dad's hands stink!" aka hockey hands

Well, its official. Jon's mens hockey league has started for the season. They play Tuesday nights but since this weeks opening game start time wasn't until 10:30 pm (which is actually past Adelyn's bed time) we weren't able to be a part of the pep squad. As you can see from the photo though, Adelyn is quickly discovering the after effects of this wonderful sport.

'The Mission' - Jon's team won a close victory 4-3. No points on the board for him yet (positive ones anyway-haha), but its early in the season. He needs to defend his 3 year standing 'Best Defensemen' title. I'm sure the games Adelyn is able to support will be more fruitful.

We are off to Hibbing for the weekend--burr! From what we hear there is already snow on the ground and we have been advised to dress warm. Our college friends, the Wetzels, recently moved up to Buhl and have a new baby girl, Silve. We will be road tripping with the Frost family. The 5 of us, including Adelyn, will be riding in our Altima so say your prayers the Frosts are still friends with us at the end of the weekend. Murphy will be keeping warm at home under the spoiling of Grandma Bonnie.
Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sorry we've been MIA

Adelyn looking so cute at her dedicati0n

Her first story hour at Barnes and Noble-good reading cousin Sis

We're back to the world of blogging! We had to take a short break because we had family in town this past weekend for Adelyn's dedication (and the few days prior were spent scrubbing the floors and such). Unfortunately our 'dial up connection' doesn't allow for a 'quick post'.

It was a great weekend. Adelyn was in good spirits, showing off her smiles and chatting skills. We went walking at the secret paradise two times. Once on Thursday with Grandma and Grandpa Bradley and again on Monday with Stacy, Nick, Sis and Grandma Bonnie. It was so pretty to see the leaves changing and I do believe Adelyn is a lover of nature.

The dedication went very well and we had a nice time visiting with everyone at our home afterwards. Stacy and Nick got up before the sunrise to ensure they would make it in time as they were driving up from Hibbing. My dad flew in just in time and suprisingly we all made it to the church on time. Adelyn's supporters took up two whole pews so she is obviously very loved!

I think she sent Grandma and Grandpa Bradley home with warm hearts on Monday morning. Of course it was sad to have them leave as she very much enjoyed their company (and we did too). Today Sis and I met up with my mom at Barnes and Noble for a story hour and it was a hit. I really think Adelyn had the most fun of all the kids there. She was watching the storyteller and laughing at the stories. It was cute of course. Its hard to believe tomorrow is Wednesday and the new weekend is almost here--yay!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Good Bye Bark, Hello Shadow

As you know, our beloved Murphy is a great dog but tends to bark a little too freely. Well, after talking about it for many months we have finally invested in a bark shock collar. Before you gasp in disgust, it claims to be designed by pet lovers so it really isn't intended to be cruel. We bought it a few months ago but only got up the courage to try it this week (since company is coming to town this weekend).

The way it works is each time he barks it shocks him and beeps, increasing strength if he continues to bark. So far he has not barked more then one time but hasn't yet figured out that its the collar doing it. The poor guy jumps in the air then looks around like 'what the heck was that?!' He has now turned into my personal shadow whenever its on. I'm assuming because he thinks there is some mean ghost loose in the house. He could NOT be closer to my feet at all times. Yesterday I was putting away laundry so I would walk to the basket, Murphy would lay by my foot. I'd walk over to the dresser. He'd follow and lay on my foot. The poor dude! Finally I took it off because he was too scared to even think about barking. Now I just put it on today and he barked once and same thing. He is laying across both my feet. It definitly is working with the barking but hopefully he doesn't act like this forever. I think he's smart enough to figure it out soon. Even if we just put it on when company is over it should suffice. Please note, we really are not mean dog abusers as we love our little pooch very much!

On another note, Adelyn's check up went great! She was chatting with the dr. for quite a while and I think she was impressed with her vocabulary--hehe. Dad wiped the tears away from the shots this time (both his and hers) while I lounged on the other side of the room in a chair. She really did recover quickly and has been sleeping most of the afternoon so hopefully that's a good sign. The results are:

weight: a whopping 11 lb 6 oz which is only the 15th percentile but right on track for her
height: 25 inches = 75th percentile
head: 40 (I don't know what metric--cm?) = 25th percentile

All in all, she is doing great. It seems crazy that at her next appt. we will be talking about introducing FOOD! I hope its easier then it sounds because as of right now I am scared of figuring out that whole process. Plus by the next appt we would like her to be sleeping happily in the comfort of her pretty crib so cross your fingers on that one :)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Secret Paradise

Only 1 mile off 35W--really!

My 10 lb weight

Last week some friends of ours introduced me to this beautiful walking area not far from our home. Its called 'Nine Mile Creek' and is literally only a mile off the hwy. You would never believe it when you are walking though. It is so peaceful and scenic. The creek runs right along a paved path, convenient for stollers, and instantly makes you feel like you are walking through the most remote woods. There are several trails but only one paved. Although yesterday Miss A didn't want to stroll the whole time so I ended up getting an extra work out!

Adelyn's 4 month check up is tomorrow so I am looking forward to the official weigh in but not so much looking forward to the shots. Hopefully she will not be affected too much and will still be in good spirits for all the fun this weekend (it is her dedication). I'll post her stats tomorrow :)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Date Night

Last night Jon and I went out to the Lakeville Bowl and left miss Adelyn with Grandma Bonnie. Bowling alleys seem to be one of those places you can't bring a baby since you end up 2nd hand smoking 5 million cigarets by the time you leave.

We joked that we were celebrating (belated) our Aug 27, 1999 meeting while bowling at lanes next to each other during a Bethel transfer event. I caught Jon's eye w/ my exstatic strike celebration and after chatting at the ball corrale it was love at first sight :) Of course it took a while for us to finally admit that to each other but what can we say? We were 19 and 21 which is quite hard to believe looking back. No wonder I was such a dork--haha.

I am sad to say Jon beat me both games but I did make quite an improvement from the first game to the second. Jon's high was a whopping 108 and 91 for me. We put some money in the juke box and played 7 songs for everyone to enjoy so that was funny. We hadn't done that since our Pizza Hut days. It was a fun night!