Sunday, February 24, 2008

"More Hockey"

What could be better then watching a hockey game with Dad?

How about enjoying it with a cheeseburger and fries?

It has been a full week of hockey for Adelyn and all she can ask for is 'more'. As we left this morning we asked Adelyn if she knew where we were going, thinking she would say church, but instead said 'hockey?' Jon has kept her busy watching games and she loves it! Last Sunday they scouted a peewee game in Hastings (while my mom and I were at the Wild game that Jon got us tickets for...what a guy!) Tuesday night we took her to watch Jon's mens league game, which was extra fun because the Balvins were there and she loves playing with their kids. Thursday she and Jon went to another game together while I stayed home to clean a little. From what I hear Jon got a preview of life to come in the next 18 plus years as the kids he coaches swooned over her. Of course she loved all of the attention.

Friday and Saturday were spent back in Hastings watching Jon's peewee team in their district tournament. She is so funny when watching the games because she shouts out at the players, sometimes things I can understand and sometimes not. I hear a lot of 'shoot it' and 'skate'...something I'm sure she has overheard her dad say. Every period break she asks for 'more hockey' with hopes the game is not quite over yet. Last night was especially fun because after the peewee game the 3 of us went to a local restaurant and enjoyed cheeseburgers and fries during the girls state hockey game. Adelyn and Jon were glued to the TV and had a blast watching and eating together. Seeing them have such a good time together was fun for me to watch! Jon promises there is a lot more high school and college hockey to see this week...Adelyn will be so happy!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cold Weather Fun

What better way to pass some time inside during the subzero temps then to make some tasty dessert? As you can see, Adelyn is a great helper. We had a lot of fun. She is in love with 'washing up' any dishes that may or may not be dirty. At least once a day she spends some time at the sink giving the dishes a good pre-rinse, which can be messy but a good way to pass the time.

Banana bars...mmm! Do they make mini aprons?

There's that beautiful smile

"Lick it" is what she told me the appropriate next step is,
to which I of course agree

Don't let Grandma Bonnie see this--raw eggs and all

"Wash Up"

Monday, February 18, 2008


Adelyn is at an age where she loves going to church to play with the kids. She squeals when we turn into the parking lot, clapping, kicking her feet and chanting 'church' & 'kids'. Kim said last Tuesday when she was watching her they were going to run some errands. Kim told her where she needed to stop and asked Adelyn if she wanted to go anywhere, to which she answered "church." That just cracks me up. Of course we are very happy she enjoys it so much and hope the phase never passes. The past few weeks we have put her in the 1-2 yr old nursery room, which has the big play house, while we are at Sunday School and then she moves up to the 2-3 yr old room for the 2nd hour. Her good friends Jack and Livy are in that room so she looks forward to playing with them. I like that she gets to go to 2 different rooms so its not too long of a morning.

Other weekend more crib escapes which we are thankful for! We've got the room darker now so I think that's helping her sleep. Saturday after swimming lessons we met Grandma and Chloe at the zoo for a Tropical Party. They had a sandbox set up and fun music. Then we walked the tropics trail and talked about how we wish we really were on vacation. Ohh to be out of the freezing cold for a few days! Bummer that I can't fly anymore or I would be seriously looking at the Expedia last minute vacation packages.

Tropical Party at the zoo Saturday

why didn't we take one more warm vacation this winter...?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

New Room = New Challenges

Adelyn's Valentine gift to us was figuring out how to escape from her crib. I put her down for a nap this afternoon and thought she was being unusually quiet for not quite being asleep yet. But I thought to myself 'Wow, maybe she is getting older and really getting the hang of this nap thing'. Yeah right! A few minutes later I hear her knocking at her bedroom door saying "Mommy! Out!" I never heard a thump so she must have dangled herself out pretty well. I tried again and less then a minute after I had shut her door she was knocking on it again. I asked her if she would show me how she gets out to which she replied "Sure." Sure enough she just throws one leg over and slowly dangles down. Great.

Showing off her Vday cookie from friend Olivia

Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Rocking chair borrowed from the nursery...TBD on if we need 2

Plan is to paint the bookshelf - as you can see wall decor is not on wall

So much extra space we might as well put the new baby in here too :)

Aside from getting the wall decor hung up we got all of our projects done for today so I am very happy! I knew it was crazy talk to think we could get that hung up in such a short period of time--we really stink at deciding where to hang things. My mom helped Jon carry in the new baby furniture so as not to send me in to labor a month early. Thanks for lending us your muscles Mom! We even had time to buy the double stroller I have had my eye on.

Adelyn didn't seem to mind her new room last night at all. It was a pretty typical night. The bedtime routine took a little longer then preferred but nothing crazy. We had the monitor on since we aren't sure if we can hear her downstairs yet so that was different. I woke up a bunch of times to her talking in her sleep. She had a good time playing in there again today so hopefully all will be fine. It is weird going downstairs to change her diaper and find her clothes now though. That will take a while to get used to.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Moving Day

Jon is rocking Adelyn to sleep in her new room as we 'speak'. We spent the week playing in the room after Jon and I cleared out all of the other furinture and painted last weekend. (Side note...we have officially painted all of the rooms in our house now so Jon can make a sigh of relief and take a few years off from the paint brush.) This afternoon we moved all of her bedroom furniture, washed up the new pink sheets, and got most of it set up. I'll try and get some photos tomorrow. Of course the wall decor is not up as we stink at that--so painful to put holes in the walls. Maybe tomorrow will be an exception and we'll actually get it all done. I wouldn't mind getting the nursery furniture set up tomorrow too but won't hold my breath on that. In case you are wondering, the new paint colors are pink and green. I love how it turned out. The room is much larger then the nursery so it feels pretty spacious right now. I'm sure it won't take long for toys to take over and that feeling to pass.

Overall it was a really nice Saturday. Jon, Adelyn and Murph slept in until 9 so I had some time to drink coffee and read the new Karen Kingsbury book that just came out (so far so good by the way!) Adelyn and I headed off to swimming about the same time Jon hit the road for a hockey game in Hudson. We went straight from swimming to the zoo for a neighbor's 4th b-day party and met Jon back home around 3, at which time Adelyn napped for a few hours and Jon and I got to relax before the big furniture move. The birthday party was a blast. Adelyn loves watching the older girls and they don't seem to mind that she wants them to always hold her hand and take her along where ever they go. I loved watching her smile at them in adoration and giggle all day. Tomorrow promises to be another cold day so aside from church and hopefully a quick stop to look at a double stroller I'm assuming we will spend most of the day at home (working on projects of course). Try to keep warm--we are in the homestretch of winter, I hope.